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The Hidden Struggles of Smokers and Vapers: Why Nicotine Pouches are the Smarter Choice

The Hidden Struggles of Smokers and Vapers: Why Nicotine Pouches are the Smarter Choice

Louise Johnson |

At Two Wombats, we recently conducted a study that revealed something we’ve long suspected—many smokers and vapers still struggle to break old habits, even in places where they shouldn’t be lighting up. 

In fact, our poll of 1,000 adults who smoke or vape found that a staggering 71% have indulged in a ‘cheeky puff’ in prohibited spaces, from workplaces and train stations to playgrounds and hotel rooms.

The Reality of Smoking and Vaping in Restricted Areas

Despite decades of smoking bans and increasing public awareness, the temptation to smoke or vape in restricted areas remains strong. Our research uncovered some eye-opening statistics:

  • 25% have smoked or vaped at a train station
  • 19% have done so in a park or playground—potentially putting children at risk
  • 28% have had a puff on the beach
  • 17% have done so in a shopping centre
  • 11% admitted to sneaking a puff on a bus or even inside a gym

What’s more, 24% of those who engage in this behaviour do so multiple times a week - if not daily.

Three-quarters feel confident they won’t get caught, and nearly a quarter (23%) even experience a ‘thrill’ from breaking the rules.

Yet, the reality is that 18% have faced fines, and 57% admit to feeling guilty about their actions.

Where are People Sneaking a Puff?

Based on our findings, these are the top ten most common places people smoke or vape illicitly:


  1. In a hotel room

  2. At a pub or bar

  3. At the beach

  4. In a public toilet

  5. At work

  1. At a train station

  2. At a park or playground

  3. At a shopping centre

  4. At a sports stadium

  5. On a train


These findings highlight just how widespread illicit nicotine use remains, despite public awareness and legal restrictions. But what’s even more intriguing is that where people choose to sneak a puff varies significantly across different regions in the UK.

Certain locations have become unexpected hotspots for illicit smoking and vaping, influenced by local attitudes, enforcement levels, and even cultural habits.

Regional Differences in Smoking and Vaping Habits

Our research also uncovered some fascinating regional differences in attitudes towards illicit smoking and vaping, as illustrated in our fancy infographic below:

To save you clicking and poking about the map itself (the most fun bit!), some of the key takeaways from the regional data include:

  • Yorkshire smokers are the most likely to break the rules, with 33% admitting to lighting up in restricted areas a few times per year, compared to just 18% in the North West.
  • Northern Ireland seems to have the most conflicted smokers—70% feel guilty about smoking where they shouldn’t but still do it anyway, whereas only 39% of Yorkshire smokers feel the same remorse.
  • Hospital grounds are a hotspot for illicit smoking in Northern Ireland, where 50% of respondents admitted to lighting up there.
  • Workplace smoking is significantly higher in Wales (34%) than in the West Midlands (23%).
  • London smokers are among the most guilt-ridden, with 66% feeling remorseful about their illicit habit, and hotel rooms and public toilets ranking as the capital’s top spots for a forbidden puff.

Clearly, the desire to consume nicotine often outweighs the fear of breaking the rules.

But is there a better way to satisfy cravings without risking fines, harming public health, or feeling guilty? We believe there is.

The Smarter, More Considerate Alternative

The UK smoking ban has been in place since 2007, yet many still struggle to break old habits. “It’s not just about rules - it’s about respecting the health and comfort of others.

Lighting up where you probably shouldn't puts more than just your wallet at risk through fines; it impacts everyone around you.

This is where nicotine pouches come in. At Two Wombats, we advocate for a more modern, discreet solution that fits into today’s smoke-free world.

They're environmentally-friendly , and allow users to satisfy their cravings legally and without inconveniencing others. Whether you're on a plane, in a hotel room, or at your desk, they provide a hassle-free way to get your nicotine fix - without the smoke, smell, or social stigma.

Time for a Change

Our findings reinforce what we’ve known for a while - smokers and vapers still face challenges when it comes to consuming nicotine in a way that aligns with modern regulations and social expectations.

But there’s no need to sneak around or risk fines anymore. Our wide variety of nicotine pouches offer a game-changing alternative that’s discreet, smoke-free, and legal to use almost anywhere.

We’re committed to making it easier for people to transition to a more responsible way of enjoying nicotine. It’s time to embrace smarter choices - no more breaking the rules, just a stress-free solution for those who need it.